Comments, critiques, thoughts and questions welcome!
WIW 07.06 [Toffee and Light Blue (and white, black, taupe...)]
July 6, 2018
I looove the color combos Angie showed in her formula post this morning! Especially with white added in. This is an easier formula to pull together in winter, as noted might be the case in the blog post; for summer I can swing taupe/cognac and pale aqua -- or on cooler days, like today (though it turned out much less cool than I expected!), I can use faded blue denim.
I dunno why but I had it in my head that the formula included white specifically, maybe half because some of the examples showed it and half because it's my favorite neutral. Either way now I feel less bad about adding in so many other colors ;) I'll probably have to give this one another try for something more authentic to the formula but for today I'm quite pleased with this outfit and will add it to the repeats ^^
Comments, critiques, thoughts and questions welcome!
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