Extreme Ironing (it's a thing!)

My husband just sent this to me, thought you ladies would enjoy it :)

Extreme Ironing: "the latest danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt."

A Google image search yields highly amusing photos:

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  • Angie replied 13 years ago

    Those google images are KILLER. Thank hubby for us!

  • Beth replied 13 years ago

    LOL! Bungee ironing, huh?

    And I thought it felt extreme enough just trying to keep the cat away from the iron while not tripping over the cord or overturning the ironing board. *amateur*

  • Heather replied 13 years ago

    My mother totally participates in this!!!

    No, not really, but she would. That woman can iron a mean crease while juggling rings of fire and dangling off a precipice.....

  • Diana replied 13 years ago

    Do you think they have, like, battery powered irons for this? Since, you know, it would be so much more badass if the iron were actually HOT.

    I have extreme ironing incompetence. Does that count?

  • MsMary replied 13 years ago

    Heh, that's hilarious!

    Although I have actually suffered an ironing injury without going to such extremes. Ironing in underwear + nine months pregnant = owie burn on the belly!!

  • tarzy replied 13 years ago

    Great. Another sport I'm bad at.

  • Aida replied 13 years ago

    Teehee ^^ Most of those photos look staged to me, but yes it would certainly be more badass if those were all electric and were actually being used.

    I was just sent a follow-up message with this link and the following message: "Now THIS is how you iron."

    That dude has some serious ironing flair!

  • Carole replied 13 years ago

    how fun-what a thoughtful hubby, thinking of new ways for you to iron!

  • san replied 13 years ago

    That's funny. How do people think of things like this?

  • catgirl replied 13 years ago

    I have seen video of those guys and I think it is real, at least the ones I saw...

  • Sparky replied 13 years ago

    I was thinking the same thing as Diana. I'd be a heck of a lot more impressed if those irons were hot. Would like to see these dudes wielding a hot, steaming iron at home with, say, three toddlers running around their legs. Throw in a cat jumping around and that's my idea of extreme ironing. :)

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